Battling Anxiety:  Personal Bill of Rights

Many years before James Madison became the 4th President of the United States, he sat down with Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and a few other prominent men. Years later these men would go down in history as the … Continue reading Battling Anxiety:  Personal Bill of Rights

Validation: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

2020 has been an interesting year thus far, we have been hit with a worldwide epidemic of proportions not seen in modern times. With COVID 19, the world slowed down, well, not just slowed down but stopped. We all have taken to social media to keep in touch with loved ones, express our thoughts, and pass the time. Forums like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have allowed us to watch how not only our country is handling this crisis but how people from countries across the world are dealing with it. Here, we can see, how others have adjusted to working … Continue reading Validation: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Gaslighting: Seeing Through the Clouds of Chaos

In 2012, I had an unbelievably bad day. My father passed away. I will admit, even in my early 40’s, I was still a daddy’s girl. The morning after my dad’s death,  I also made a discovery about someone I loved very much, this discovery broke my heart and left me feeling as if my life was in utter chaos. This new information was a huge betrayal of trust and honesty. This time in my life was chaotic and heartbreaking.  Separating these two events from one another would be something I would struggle with for many years to come. While … Continue reading Gaslighting: Seeing Through the Clouds of Chaos

Passive Aggressive Behavior: Part 2 The Silent Punisher

Last week I talked about the passive aggressive trait of recognizing and dealing with the Zinger. First, in our daily communication and secondly, with how to respond when we are the target. This week we move on to part 2 of the passive aggressive communication series, that I have called the silent punisher. Have you ever visited with a family member or friend and when you got home your spouse asked how your day was? You simply respond with “I had a great day.”   You settle down with your tea and log on to Facebook and the person, with … Continue reading Passive Aggressive Behavior: Part 2 The Silent Punisher

Passive Aggressive Communication: What just happened?

PART 1: THE ZINGER I was 20 years old when I had my first recognizable passive aggressive experience. I am sure I had experienced it before but this time it was delivered from an expert. After what seemed like a pleasant afternoon visiting someone’s home, I left feeling, well, odd. This person seemed nice, she was well liked and kind. Or was she? Why was I feeling so attacked and bad about myself? Why did I feel a sudden need to lose weight and get my hair done? Why did I feel awful when there wasn’t anything bad that had … Continue reading Passive Aggressive Communication: What just happened?