Mission Statement

I believe that finding positive ways to improve our communication always starts with focusing on our own communication styles, positive and negative. This is how we find that peace and calmness we are searching for in our lives.  In my blogs, I will describe communication techniques and how you can add them or eliminate them from YOUR communication, first and foremost. We must focus on how WE communicate. We cannot control how anyone else speaks, only how we respond. I will always give examples of how we can approach these issues with others by setting boundaries on the behavior we allow into our lives. Our goal is never to control the other person, only to control ourselves and our environments.  This is always important to remember.  This is the path to peace. 

Inspirational Quotes

I understood myself only after I had destroyed myself, and only in the process of fixing myself did I know who I really was.

Sade Andria Zabala

People violate you when you don’t have clear boundaries because you don’t tell them how to behave in your life.

Iyanla Vanzant

Stress, anxiety and depression are caused when we are living to please others.

Paulo Coelho